Last modified on Wed Mar 22 17:50:21 PST 1995 by msm modified on Thu Oct 21 17:07:10 PDT 1993 by sfreeman
video client interface to the local J-Video server. All the methods lock the object and block the thread until the server replies
INTERFACEparameters for decompressionJvs ; IMPORT Atom, Ctypes, Jv, OSError, Point, Thread; TYPE ShmBufId =; BufferType = {Compress, Decompress};
TYPE DcmpParams = RECORD qfactor : CARDINAL; inX, inY : INTEGER; brightness: CARDINAL; contrast : CARDINAL; saturation: CARDINAL; reqX, reqY: INTEGER; (* what the client wants *) outX, outY: INTEGER; (* what the client gets *) END; CONST DefaultDecompress = DcmpParams{0, 640, 480, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; TYPE Id = Ctypes.unsigned_long_int; (* same as X *) ColormapInfo = RECORD id : Id := IdNone; nColors : CARDINAL := 0; (* in/out *) monochrome := FALSE; displayName: TEXT := NIL; END; CONST IdNone = 0; (* same as X *) VAR XNameTooLong, DecompressFailure: Atom.T;
may be part of OSError.E list
TYPE T <: Public; Public = Jv.T OBJECT METHODS (* all methods LL < self *) init (): T RAISES {OSError.E}; (* initialise local state and establish a connection with the local server *) allocateBuffer (type: BufferType; width, height: CARDINAL := 0): ShmBufId RAISES {OSError.E, Thread.Alerted}; (* allocate a shared memory buffer in the server, return its kernel id; 0,0 height and width give the default size, whil non-zero allocates a buffer of that size (or length if height is zero). *) deallocateBuffer (shmid: ShmBufId) RAISES {OSError.E, Thread.Alerted}; (* deallocate a shared memory buffer in the server *) setCompress (qfactor, xdec, ydec, frameskip: INTEGER): Point.T RAISES {OSError.E, Thread.Alerted}; (* set parameters for the compression stream *) compress (dest: ShmBufId): CARDINAL RAISES {OSError.E, Thread.Alerted}; (* tells the server to compress a video frame into the the shared memory buffer *) decompress (src, dest: ShmBufId; srcByteLength: CARDINAL) RAISES {OSError.E, Thread.Alerted}; (* tells the server to to decompress "src" into "dest". The server will zero the compressed data block from the end of the compressed data to the next 512-byte boundary *) setDecompress (VAR params: DcmpParams): BOOLEAN RAISES {OSError.E, Thread.Alerted}; (* set parameters for the decompression stream. Returns actual width and height set by server in params.outX and params.outY. Returns TRUE if parameters different from previous settings, otherwise returns FALSE and is a no-op *) colormap (VAR info: ColormapInfo): BOOLEAN RAISES {OSError.E, Thread.Alerted}; (* tells the server to acquire "ncolors" colour cells for the colormap "id" in the X server "displayName" and fill them with the colours for the image stream. Returns number of colours acutally allocated in info.ncolors. Returns TRUE if settings different from previous, otherwise returns FALSE and is a no-op. *) (* "close()" now LL < self *) END; VAR linePadding: INTEGER := 0; END Jvs.