Last modified on Thu Oct 21 17:20:35 PDT 1993 by sfreeman
this is the nice
interface to Jva.i3 which provides connections to the
local audio server. These Ts are shared if possible and the connection
only closed if the T has no more clients.
MODULE-- weak ref stuff --; IMPORT AtomList, Jv, Jva, OSError, Refany, Text, TextRefTbl, Thread, WeakRef; REVEAL T = Jva.T BRANDED OBJECT hostname: TEXT; count : CARDINAL := 0; open := FALSE; OVERRIDES close := Close; END; PROCEDURE JVAudio Close (t: T) = VAR ref: Refany.T; BEGIN LOCK t DO IF t.count > 1 THEN DEC(t.count); ELSIF t.count = 1 THEN DEC(t.count); IF THEN Jv.T.close(t); LOCK mutex DO EVAL tbl.delete(t.hostname, ref); END; END; END; END; END Close; PROCEDURENew (hostname: TEXT): T RAISES {OSError.E, Thread.Alerted} = VAR ref: Refany.T; res: T; BEGIN IF hostname = NIL OR Text.Empty(hostname) THEN RAISE OSError.E(AtomList.List1(Jva.invalidHostname)); END; LOCK mutex DO IF tbl.get(hostname, ref) THEN res := NARROW(ref, T); ELSE (* create a new one *) res := NEW(T).init(); res.connect(hostname); EVAL WeakRef.FromRef(res, CleanUp); EVAL tbl.put(hostname, res); END; END; LOCK res DO := TRUE; res.hostname := hostname; INC(res.count); END; RETURN res; END New;
PROCEDURECleanUp (<*UNUSED*> READONLY w: WeakRef.T; r: REFANY) = BEGIN WITH t = NARROW(r, T) DO (* don't need to lock t now *) IF THEN Jv.T.close(t); END; END; END CleanUp; VAR mutex := NEW(Thread.Mutex); tbl := NEW(TextRefTbl.Default).init(3); BEGIN END JVAudio.