INTERFACEEncode bytecodes into a ByteStream, or decode them from it. All of these procedures move theirJunoMarshal ; IMPORT JunoRT, JunoValue;
argument past the read or written value.
TYPE BytePtr = UNTRACED REF JunoRT.ByteCode; Short = BITS 16 FOR [-16_8000 .. 16_7fff]; UShort = BITS 16 FOR [0 .. 16_ffff]; ULong = BITS 32 FOR [0 .. 16_7fffffff]; CONST ShortSize = BYTESIZE(Short); UShortSize = BYTESIZE(UShort); ULongSize = BYTESIZE(ULong); RealSize = BYTESIZE(JunoValue.Real); PROCEDURE ReadShort (VAR a: BytePtr): Short; PROCEDURE WriteShort (VAR a: BytePtr; i: Short);
Read/write a signed 16-bit value.
PROCEDURE ReadUShort (VAR a: BytePtr): UShort; PROCEDURE WriteUShort (VAR a: BytePtr; i: UShort);
Read/write an unsigned 16-bit value.
PROCEDURE ReadULong (VAR a: BytePtr): ULong; PROCEDURE WriteULong (VAR a: BytePtr; i: ULong);
Read/write an unsigned 32-bit value.
PROCEDURE ReadReal(VAR a: BytePtr): JunoValue.Real; PROCEDURE WriteReal(VAR a: BytePtr; r: JunoValue.Real);
Read/write a real number.
END JunoMarshal.