
MODULE formseditBundle;
Generated by m3bundle; see its manpage.

IMPORT Bundle, BundleRep, Text;
IMPORT Thread, Wr, TextWr;

           get      := LookUp;
           getNames := GetNames;


  bundle: T     := NIL;
  names : Texts := NIL;

PROCEDURE Get(): Bundle.T =
    IF (bundle = NIL) THEN bundle := NEW (T) END;
    RETURN bundle;
  END Get;

PROCEDURE GetNames (<*UNUSED*> self: T): Texts =
    IF names = NIL THEN
      names := NEW (Texts, NUMBER (Names));
      names^ := Names;
    RETURN names;
  END GetNames;

PROCEDURE LookUp (<*UNUSED*> self: T;  element: TEXT): TEXT =
    FOR i := 0 TO LAST (Names)-1 DO
      IF Text.Equal (Names[i], element) THEN
        IF Elements[i] = NIL THEN Elements[i] := GetElt (i) END;
        RETURN Elements[i];
  END LookUp;

CONST Names = ARRAY [0..8] OF TEXT {

VAR Elements := ARRAY [0..8] OF TEXT {
  NIL (* E3 .. E3_5 *),
  NIL (* E7 .. E7_3 *),

  <*FATAL Thread.Alerted, Wr.Failure *>
  VAR wr := TextWr.New ();
    CASE n OF
    | 3 =>
        Wr.PutText (wr, E3);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E3_0);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E3_1);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E3_2);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E3_3);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E3_4);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E3_5);
    | 7 =>
        Wr.PutText (wr, E7);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E7_0);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E7_1);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E7_2);
        Wr.PutText (wr, E7_3);
    ELSE (*skip*)
    RETURN TextWr.ToText (wr);
  END GetElt;

   "(Macro Confirm (Name question yes no cancel cancelMsg)\n  `(ZChild %,Na"
 & "me\n     (BgColor \"VeryPaleBlue\")\n     (LightShadow \"White\")\n    "
 & " (DarkShadow \"VeryDarkBlue\")\n     (Shape (Width 300)\n       (BOX (p"
 & "ens (2 2 1 26))\n\t (child\n\t  (VBox\n\t   ,question\n\t   (Glue 20)\n"
 & "\t   (HBox\n\t    Fill\n\t    (VBox\n             (Button %,yes (BgColo"
 & "r \"Green\") (Shape (Width 80) \"Yes\"))\n             (Glue 10)\n     "
 & "        (Button %,no (BgColor \"Red\") (Shape (Width 80) \"No\")))\n   "
 & "         (Glue 20)\n            (VBox\n             Fill\n             "
 & "(Filter %,cancel\n                     (CloseButton (Shape (Width 80) ,"
 & "cancelMsg))))\n            Fill)))))))\n";

   "P4\r\n# created by \'xv bnote.xbm\'\r\n18 18\r\n\377\377\377\203\377\377"
 & "\203\377\377\203\303\377\223\201\377\203\030\377\203\030\377\203\030\377"
 & "\203\030\377\203\030\377\203\030\377\237\000\377\217\030\377\216\031\377"
 & "\270\003\377\217\377\377\217\377\377\377\377\377";

   "(Macro YesNo (Name msg yes no)\n  `(ZChild %,Name\n     (BgColor \"Very"
 & "PaleGray\")\n     (LightShadow \"White\")\n     (DarkShadow \"VeryDarkG"
 & "ray\")\n     (Shape (Width 300)\n       (BOX (pens (2 2 1 26))\n       "
 & " (child \n         (VBox\n          ,msg\n          (Glue 20)\n        "
 & "  (HBox\n           Fill\n           (Button %,yes (BgColor \"Red\") (S"
 & "hape (Width 75) \"Yes\"))\n           Fill\n           (CloseButton %,n"
 & "o (BgColor \"Green\") (Shape (Width 75) \"No\"))\n           Fill))))))"
 & ")\n";

   "(Shape %top (Height 300 - 200 + Inf) (Width 425 - 200 + Inf)\n  (LabelF"
 & "ont (Family \"new century schoolbook\"))\n  (Font \"fixed\")\n  (BgColo"
 & "r \"PaleYellow\")\n  (LightShadow \"VeryVeryLightBlue\")\n  (DarkShadow"
 & " \"Blue\")\n  (Macro TLA BOA (x) `(Text LeftAlign ,x))\n  (Macro TRA BO"
 & "A (x) `(Text RightAlign ,x))\n  (Macro SEP () \'(VBox (Glue 3) Ridge (G"
 & "lue 3)))\n  (Macro BOX (pens child)\n    (IF (= pens \'())\n      child"
 & "\n      `(Border\n         (Pen ,(Nth pens 0))\n         (Rim (Pen ,(Nt"
 & "h pens 1))\n           (BOX (pens ,(NthTail pens 2)) (child ,child)))))"
 & ")\n  (Macro COMMAND BOA (name label k1 k2 k3 k4 (type (MButton)))\n    "
 & "`(,@type\n       ,name\n       (HBox\n         (TLA ,label)\n         F"
 & "ill\n         (TSplit\n           %,(Intern (Cat \"Model_\" (SymbolName"
 & " (Nth name 1))))\n           (TRA ,k1)\n           (TRA ,k2)\n         "
 & "  (TRA ,k3)\n           (TRA ,k4)))))\n  (Macro QUILLMENU ()\n    \'(Me"
 & "nu\n       (Shape (Width 40) (Height 13.5) (Pixmap \"pen.pbm\"))\n     "
 & "  (Border\n         (VBox\n           (PopMButton (For aboutMFE) (TLA \""
 & "About FormsEdit...\"))\n           (SEP)\n           (COMMAND %Help \"H"
 & "elp...\"\n             \"oH\" \"M-h\" \"c-h\" \"M-h\" (PopMButton (For "
 & "manpage)))\n           Ridge\n           (COMMAND %quit2 \"Quit\" \"oQ\""
 & " \"M-q\" \"c-q\" \"M-q\")))))\n  (Macro FILEMENU ()\n   \'(Menu\n      "
 & " (Shape (Width 40) \"File\")\n       (Border\n         (Shape (Width 11"
 & "0)\n           (VBox\n             (COMMAND %new \"New\" \"oN\" \"M-n\""
 & " \"c-n\" \"M-n\")\n             (COMMAND %openMButton \"Open...\"\n    "
 & "           \"oO\" \"M-o\" \"c-o\" \"M-o\"\n               (PopMButton ("
 & "For OpenDialog)))\n             (SEP)\n             (MButton %close (TL"
 & "A \"Close\"))\n             (Filter (COMMAND %save \"Save\" \"oS\" \"M-"
 & "s\" \"c-s\" \"M-s\"))\n             (PopMButton %saveasMButton (For Sav"
 & "eAsDialog)\n               (TLA \"Save As...\"))\n             (PopMBut"
 & "ton %revertbutton (For RevertDialog)\n               (TLA \"Revert To S"
 & "aved\"))\n             (SEP)\n             (PopMButton %ppwidthPopMButt"
 & "on (For PPwidthNumeric)\n               (TLA \"PP setup...\"))\n       "
 & "      (";

CONST E3_0 =
   "COMMAND %PPrint \"PPrint\" \"oP\" \"M-p\" \"c-p\" \"M-p\")\n           "
 & "  (SEP)\n             (COMMAND %quit \"Quit\" \"oQ\" \"M-q\" \"c-q\" \""
 & "M-q\"))))))\n  (Macro EDITMENU ()\n    \'(Menu\n       (Shape (Width 40"
 & ") \"Edit\")\n       (Border\n         (Shape (Width 100)\n           (V"
 & "Box\n             (COMMAND %undo \"Undo\" \"cZ\" \"C-_\" \"c-z\" \"M-z\""
 & ")\n             (COMMAND %redo \"Redo\" \"csZ\" \"M-_\" \"c-Z\" \"M-Z\""
 & ")\n             (SEP)\n             (COMMAND %cut \"Cut\" \"oX\" \"C-w\""
 & " \"c-x\" \"M-x\")\n             (COMMAND %copy \"Copy\" \"oC\" \"M-w\" "
 & "\"c-c\" \"M-c\")\n             (COMMAND %paste \"Paste\" \"oV\" \"C-y\""
 & " \"c-v\" \"M-v\")\n             (COMMAND %clear \"Clear\" \"\" \"\" \"\""
 & " \"\")\n             (COMMAND %selectAll \"SelectAll\"\n               "
 & "\"oA\" \"M-a\" \"c-a\" \"M-a\")\n             (SEP)\n             (COMM"
 & "AND %findMButton \"Find...\"\n               \"oF\" \"\" \"c-f\" \"M-f\""
 & "\n               (LinkMButton (For FindInBuffer2)))\n             (COMM"
 & "AND %findNext \"Find Next\" \"c,\" \"C-s\" \"\" \"\")\n             (CO"
 & "MMAND %findPrev \"Find Prev\" \"cM\" \"C-r\" \"\" \"\"))))))\n  (Macro "
 & "MISCMENU ()\n    \'(Menu\n       (Shape (Width 40) \"Misc\")\n       (B"
 & "order\n         (VBox\n           (PopMButton %dumpTable (For dumpTable"
 & "Popup)\n             \"Show the named VBTs...\")\n           (PopMButto"
 & "n %snapshot  (For snapshotDialog)\n             \"Show current snapshot"
 & "...\")\n           (PopMButton (For errorPopup)\n             \"Show la"
 & "st error message\")\n           (SEP)\n           (Filter %rescreenFilt"
 & "er (VBox %rescreenMenu))))))\n  (Macro FINDER (first next prev typein s"
 & "how close)\n    `(TSplit\n       Flex\n       Circular\n       (LightSh"
 & "adow \"White\")\n       (BgColor \"VeryPaleBlue\")\n       (Shape (Heig"
 & "ht 0) Fill)\n       (VBox\n         %,show\n         Ridge\n         (G"
 & "lue 2)\n         (HBox\n           (Shape (Width + 0) \"Find:\")\n     "
 & "      (Shape (Width 0 + 3000)\n             (Frame Lowered\n           "
 & "    (TypeIn %,typein FirstFocus (BgColor \"VeryVeryPaleBlue\"))))\n    "
 & "       (Glue 5)\n           (Shape (Width 0 + 1000)\n             (Rim "
 & "(Pen 1) (Button %,first \"First\")))\n           (Shape (Width 0";

CONST E3_1 =
   " + 1000) (ShadowSize 2.5)\n             (Button %,next \"Next\"))\n    "
 & "       (Shape (Width 0 + 1000)\n             (Rim (Pen 1) (Button %,pre"
 & "v \"Prev.\")))\n           (Glue 20)\n           (Rim (Pen 1) (PageButt"
 & "on %,close \"C\")))\n         (Glue 2))))\n  (Macro YESNO (Name msg yes"
 & "Name noName)\n    `(ZChild %,Name \n       (BgColor \"VeryPaleGray\")\n"
 & "       (LightShadow \"White\")\n       (DarkShadow \"VeryDarkGray\")\n "
 & "      (Shape (Width 300)\n         (BOX (pens (2 2 1 26))\n           ("
 & "child\n             (VBox\n               ,msg\n               (Glue 20"
 & ")\n               (HBox\n                 Fill\n                 (Butto"
 & "n %,yesName (BgColor \"Red\")\n                   (Shape (Width 80) \"Y"
 & "es\"))\n                 Fill\n                 (CloseButton %,noName ("
 & "BgColor \"Green\")\n                   (Shape (Width 80) \"No\"))\n    "
 & "             Fill)))))))\n  (Macro CONFIRM (Name question yesName noNam"
 & "e cancelName cancelLabel)\n    `(ZChild %,Name \n       (BgColor \"Very"
 & "PaleBlue\")\n       (LightShadow \"White\")\n       (DarkShadow \"VeryD"
 & "arkBlue\")\n       (Shape (Width 300)\n         (BOX (pens (2 2 1 26))\n"
 & "           (child\n             (VBox\n               ,question\n      "
 & "         (Glue 20)\n               (HBox\n                 Fill\n      "
 & "           (VBox\n                   (Button %,yesName (BgColor \"Green"
 & "\")\n                     (Shape (Width 80) \"Yes\"))\n                "
 & "   (Glue 10)\n                   (Button %,noName (BgColor \"Red\")\n  "
 & "                   (Shape (Width 80) \"No\")))\n                 (Glue "
 & "20)\n                 (VBox\n                   Fill\n                 "
 & "  (Filter %,cancelName\n                     (CloseButton (Shape (Width"
 & " 80) ,cancelLabel))))\n                 Fill)))))))\n  (Macro FILEDIALO"
 & "G (Name BgColor DarkShadow Title fbName OKName OKLabel\n               "
 & "      cancelName (cancelLabel \"Cancel\") helperName (ReadOnly FALSE)\n"
 & "                     (other ()))\n    `(ZChassis %,Name  (BgColor ,BgCo"
 & "lor) (LightShadow \"White\") (DarkShadow ,DarkShadow)\n       (Title ,T"
 & "itle)\n       (Shape (Width 300 - ";

CONST E3_2 =
   "200 + Inf) (ShadowSize 2)\n         (Rim\n           (Pen 10)\n        "
 & "   (VBox\n             (HBox\n               (Shape (Width 150 + Inf) ("
 & "Height 150 + Inf)\n                 (VBox (LabelFont \"fixed\")\n      "
 & "             (DirMenu (For ,fbName))\n                   (Glue 6)\n    "
 & "               (Frame Lowered\n                     (FileBrowser %,fbNa"
 & "me (BgColor \"VeryPaleGray\")))))\n               Fill\n               "
 & "(Shape (Width 100)\n                 (VBox\n                   Fill\n  "
 & "                 (Button %,OKName ,OKLabel)\n                   (Glue 1"
 & "0)\n                   (Filter (CloseButton %,cancelName ,cancelLabel))"
 & ")))\n             (Glue 6)\n             (HBox\n               (Shape ("
 & "Width 30) \"File:\")\n               (Frame Lowered\n                 ("
 & "Helper %,helperName FirstFocus (For ,fbName)\n                   (BgCol"
 & "or \"VeryPaleGray\"))))\n             ,@other)))))\n  (ZSplit\n    (ZBa"
 & "ckground\n      (VBox\n        (Glue 3)\n        (HBox %menubar\n      "
 & "    (Glue 5)\n          (QUILLMENU)\n          (Glue 5)\n          (FIL"
 & "EMENU)\n          (Glue 5)\n          (EDITMENU)\n          (Glue 5)\n "
 & "         (MISCMENU)\n          (Glue 5)\n          Fill\n          (TSp"
 & "lit %modified\n            (Text \"\")\n            (Pixmap (Color \"Re"
 & "d\") \"bnote.pbm\"))\n          (Text %shortname \"\")\n          Fill\n"
 & "          (Button %parse (BgColor \"VeryPaleBlue\")\n            (Text "
 & "(Margin 10) \"Do It\"))\n          (Glue 5))\n        (Glue 3)\n       "
 & " Ridge\n        (TextEdit %buffer)\n        (FINDER\n          (show Fi"
 & "ndInBuffer2)\n          (first bhelpfindfirst)\n          (next bhelpfi"
 & "ndnext)\n          (prev bhelpfindprev)\n          (typein bhelpfindtex"
 & "t)\n          (close bhelpfindclose))))\n    (ZChassis %manpage (At .05"
 & " .95 .1 .9)\n      (BgColor \"VeryPaleBlue\")\n      (Title \"formsedit"
 & " help\")\n      (VBox\n        (HBox\n          (Menu\n            (Sha"
 & "pe (Width 40) \"Edit\")\n            (VBox\n              (COMMAND %mpc"
 & "opy \"Copy\" \"oC\" \"M-w\" \"c-c\" \"M-c\")\n              (COMMAND %m"
 & "pselectAll \"SelectAll\"\n                \"oA\"";

CONST E3_3 =
   " \"M-a\" \"c-a\" \"M-a\")\n              (SEP)\n              (COMMAND "
 & "%mpfindMButton \"Find...\"\n                \"oF\" \"\" \"c-f\" \"M-f\""
 & "\n                (LinkMButton (For FindDialog)))\n              (COMMA"
 & "ND %mpfindNext \"Find Next\"\n                \"c,\" \"C-s\" \"\" \"\")"
 & "\n              (COMMAND %mpfindPrev \"Find Prev\"\n                \"c"
 & "M\" \"C-r\" \"\" \"\")))\n          Fill)\n        Ridge\n        (Shap"
 & "e (Width 360 + Inf) (Height 150 + Inf)\n          (TextEdit ReadOnly %m"
 & "anpagetext))\n        (FINDER\n          (show FindDialog)\n          ("
 & "first helpfindfirst)\n          (next helpfindnext)\n          (prev he"
 & "lpfindprev)\n          (typein helpfindtext)\n          (close helpfind"
 & "close))))\n    (ZChild %notfound (BgColor \"Red\") (Color \"White\")\n "
 & "     (Rim (Border \"Not found\")))\n    (ZChild %aboutMFE (BgColor 0.8 "
 & "0.8 1)\n      (BOX (pens (1.5 2 1 12))\n        (child\n          (VBox"
 & "\n            (Pixmap (Color \"Blue\") \"digitalLogo.pbm\")\n          "
 & "  (Glue 6)\n            \"FormsEdit version 2.8\"\n            \"Writte"
 & "n by Jim, Marc, and Steve.\"\n            \"Copyright \\251 1993 Digita"
 & "l Equipment Corp.\"\n            \"Send comments to\"\n"
 & "            (Glue 6)\n            Ridge\n            Ridge\n           "
 & " (Glue 6)\n            (HBox\n              Fill\n              (CloseB"
 & "utton (BgColor \"VeryPaleBlue\")\n                           (LightShad"
 & "ow \"White\")\n                (Text (Margin 5) \"Close\"))\n          "
 & "    Fill)))))\n    (ZChassis %errorPopup\n              (At 1. 1. SE)\n"
 & "              (BgColor \"VeryPaleGreen\")\n              (Title \"Error"
 & "\")\n              (LightShadow \"White\")\n              (DarkShadow \""
 & "DarkGreen\")\n      (Shape (Width 300 + Inf - 200) (Height 50 + Inf - 5"
 & "0)\n        (TextEdit %stderr ReadOnly)))\n    (ZChassis %PPwidthNumeri"
 & "c\n              NoClose\n              (BgColor \"PaleGold\")\n       "
 & "       (Title (Text \"PrettyPrint width\"))\n              (At 0.1 0.1 "
 & "NW)\n      (Shape (Width 250 + Inf)\n        (Rim\n          (Pen 10)\n"
 & "          (VBox\n            (HBox\n              Fill\n              ("
 & "Sha";

CONST E3_4 =
   "pe (Width 80) \"Line width:\")\n              (Glue 10)\n              "
 & "(Shape (Width 70)\n                (Numeric %ppwidth FirstFocus\n      "
 & "            (BgColor \"VeryPaleGold\")\n                  =78 (Min 30) "
 & "(Max 200)))\n              Fill)\n            (Glue 10)\n            (H"
 & "Box\n              (Shape (Width 0 + 1000)\n                (Rim (Pen 1"
 & ") (Button %ppwRevert \"Revert\")))\n              (Shape (Width 0 + 100"
 & "0)\n                (Rim (Pen 1) (Button %ppwApply \"Apply\")))\n      "
 & "        (Shape (Width 0 + 1000)\n                (Rim (Pen 1) (CloseBut"
 & "ton \"Cancel\")))\n              (Shape (Width 0 + 1000) (ShadowSize 2."
 & "5)\n                (Button %ppwOK \"OK\")))))))\n    (ZChassis %snapsh"
 & "otDialog\n      (At 0.1 0.9 0.2 0.8)\n      (BgColor \"VeryPaleTurquois"
 & "e\")\n      (Title (Text (BgColor \"White\") (Color \"DarkTurquoise\")\n"
 & "             \"Current Snapshot\"))\n      (Shape (Height 250 - 100 + I"
 & "nf)\n        (TextEdit %SnapshotText ReadOnly)))\n    (ZChassis %dumpTa"
 & "blePopup\n      (BgColor \"PaleGold\")\n      (At 0.1 0.9 0.2 0.8)\n   "
 & "   (Title (Text (BgColor \"White\") (Color \"Blue\") \"Named VBTs\"))\n"
 & "      (Shape (Height 300 - 100 + Inf)\n        (TextEdit %VBTtable Read"
 & "Only)))\n    (FILEDIALOG %OpenDialog\n      (BgColor \"VeryPaleGreen\")"
 & "\n      (DarkShadow \"RatherDarkGreen\")\n      (Title \"Open an existi"
 & "ng file\")\n      (fbName openfile)\n      (ReadOnly TRUE)\n      (OKNa"
 & "me open)\n      (OKLabel \"Open\")\n      (cancelName cancelOpen)\n    "
 & "  (helperName fbh)\n      (other\n        ((Glue 6)\n          (HBox\n "
 & "           (Radio =reuse\n              (VBox\n                (Choice "
 & "%reuse (TLA \"Use this window\"))\n                (Choice %newwindow ("
 & "TLA \"Open a new window\"))))\n            Fill\n            (Radio =fv"
 & "only\n              (VBox\n                (Choice %fvonly (TLA \"*.fv "
 & "only\"))\n                (Choice %notfvonly (TLA \"Any file\"))))))))\n"
 & "    (FILEDIALOG %SaveAsDialog\n      (BgColor \"VeryPaleBlue\")\n      "
 & "(DarkShadow \"Blue\")\n      (Title \"Save As...\")\n      (fbName save"
 & "asfile)\n      (OKName saveas)\n      (OKLabel ";

CONST E3_5 =
   "\"Save\")\n      (cancelName cancelsaveas)\n      (helperName sfbh))\n "
 & "   (CONFIRM %quitConfirmation\n      (question \"Save changes before qu"
 & "itting?\")\n      (yesName saveandquit)\n      (noName quitAnyway)\n   "
 & "   (cancelName dontquit)\n      (cancelLabel \"Don\'t quit\"))\n    (CO"
 & "NFIRM %switchConfirmation\n      (question \"Save changes before switch"
 & "ing?\")\n      (yesName saveandswitch)\n      (noName switchAnyway)\n  "
 & "    (cancelName cancelSwitch)\n      (cancelLabel \"Don\'t switch\"))\n"
 & "    (CONFIRM %closeConfirmation\n      (question \"Save changes before "
 & "closing?\")\n      (yesName saveandclose)\n      (noName closeAnyway)\n"
 & "      (cancelName cancelClose)\n      (cancelLabel \"Don\'t close\"))\n"
 & "    (YESNO %overwriteConfirmation\n      (msg \"That file already exist"
 & "s. Overwrite it?\")\n      (yesName overwrite)\n      (noName dontOverw"
 & "rite))\n    (YESNO %RevertDialog\n      (yesName revert)\n      (noName"
 & " dontRevert)\n      (msg \"Revert to the last version saved?\"))))\n";

   "P4\r\n190 65\r\n\000\000\377\377\361\377\377\343\377\377\307\377\377\217"
 & "\377\377\037\377\376?\377\374}\004\000\000\377\377\361\377\377\343\377\377"
 & "\307\377\377\217\377\377\037\377\376?\377\374\021\214\000\000\377\377\361"
 & "\377\377\343\377\377\307\377\377\217\377\377\037\377\376?\377\374\021T\000"
 & "\000\377\377\361\377\377\343\377\377\307\377\377\217\377\377\037\377\376"
 & "?\377\374\021$\000\000\377\377\361\377\377\343\377\377\307\377\377\217\377"
 & "\377\037\377\376?\377\374\021\004\000\000\377\377\361\377\377\343\377\377"
 & "\307\377\377\217\377\377\037\377\376?\377\374\021\004\000\000\377\377\361"
 & "\377\377\343\377\377\307\377\377\217\377\377\037\377\376?\377\374\021\004"
 & "\000\000\377\377\361\377\377\343\377\377\307\377\377\217\377\377\037\377"
 & "\376?\377\374\000\000\000\000\377\377\361\377\377\343\377\377\307\377\377"
 & "\217\377\377\037\377\376?\377\374\000\000\000\000\377\3741\376\037\343\377"
 & "\377\307\370\177\217\377\377\037\377\376?\303\374\000\000\000\000\377\374"
 & "1\376\037\343\377\377\307\370\177\217\377\377\037\377\376?\303\374\000\000"
 & "\000\000\377\3741\376\037\343\377\377\307\370\177\217\377\377\037\377\376"
 & "?\303\374\000\000\000\000\377\3741\376\037\343\377\377\307\370\177\217\360"
 & "\377\037\377\376?\303\374\000\000\000\000\377\3741\377\377\343\377\377\307"
 & "\377\377\217\360\377\037\377\376?\303\374\000\000\000\000\377\3741\377\377"
 & "\343\377\377\307\377\377\217\360\377\037\377\376?\303\374\000\000\000\000"
 & "\377\3741\377\377\343\377\377\307\377\377\217\360\377\037\377\376?\303\374"
 & "\000\000\000\000\376\f1\376\037\343\360a\307\370\177\217\360\377\037\340"
 & "\376?\303\374\000\000\000\000\374\0041\376\037\343\340!\307\370\177\217"
 & "\300?\037\000>?\303\374\000\000\000\000\370\0001\376\037\343\300\001\307"
 & "\370\177\217\300?\036\000\036?\303\374\000\000\000\000\360\0001\376\037"
 & "\343\300\001\307\370\177\217\300?\036\000\036?\303\374\000\000\000\000\360"
 & "`1\376\037\343\201\001\307\370\177\217\360\377\034\037\016?\303\374\000"
 & "\000\000\000\360\3701\376\037\343\207\301\307\370\177\217\360\377\034?\016"
 & "?\303\374\000\000\000\000\340\3701\376\037\343\207\301\307\370\177\217\360"
 & "\377\034?\016?\303\374\000\000\000\000\341\3741\376\037\343\017\341\307"
 & "\370\177\217\360\377\037\376\016?\303\374\000\000\000\000\341\3741\376\037"
 & "\343\017\341\307\370\177\217\360\377\037\370\016?\303\374\000\000\000\000"
 & "\341\3741\376\037\343\017\341\307\370\177\217\360\377\037\200\016?\303\374"
 & "\000\000\000\000\341\3741\376\037\343\017\341\307\370\177\217\360\377\037"
 & "\000\016?\303\374\000\000\000\000\341\3741\376\037\343\017\341\307\370\177"
 & "\217\360\377\036\001\016?\303\374\000\000\000\000\341\3741\376\037\343\017"
 & "\341\307\370\177\217\360\377\034\037\016?\303\374\000\000\000\000\340\370"
 & "1\376\037\343\007\301\307\370\177\217\360\377\034?\016?\303\374\000\000"
 & "\000\000\360\3701\376\037\343\207\301\307\370\177\217\360\377\034?\016?"
 & "\303\374\000\000\000\000\360p1\376\037\343\203\201\307\370\177\217\360\377"
 & "\034>\016?\303\374\000\000\000\000\370\0001\376\037\343\200\001\307\370"
 & "\177\217\360?\034\030\016?\303\374\000\000\000\000\370\0001\376\037\343"
 & "\300\001\307\370\177\217\360?\036\000\016?\303\374\000\000\000\000\374\004"
 & "1\376\037\343\340!\307\370\177\217\370?\036\001\016?\303\374\000\000\000"
 & "\000\376\f1\376\037\343\360a\307\370\177\217\374?\037\207\006?\303\374\000"
 & "\000\000\000\377\377\361\377\377\343\377\341\307\377\377\217\377\377\037"
 & "\377\376?\377\374\000\000\000\000\377\377\361\377\377\343\377\341\307\377"
 & "\377\217\377\377\037\377\376?\377\374\000\000\000\000\377\377\361\377\377"
 & "\343\017\301\307\377\377\217\377\377\037\377\376?\377\374\000\000\000\000"
 & "\377\377\361\377\377\343\017\303\307\377\377\217\377\377\037\377\376?\377"
 & "\374\000\000\000\000\377\377\361\377\377\343\003\203\307\377\377\217\377"
 & "\377\037\377\376?\377\374\000\000\000\000\377\377\361\377\377\343\200\003"
 & "\307\377\377\217\377\377\037\377\376?\377\374\000\000\000\000\377\377\361"
 & "\377\377\343\300\007\307\377\377\217\377\377\037\377\376?\377\374\000\000"
 & "\000\000\377\377\361\377\377\343\340\037\307\377\377\217\377\377\037\377"
 & "\376?\377\374\000\000\000\000\377\377\361\377\377\343\377\377\307\377\377"
 & "\217\377\377\037\377\376?\377\374\000\000\000\000\377\377\361\377\377\343"
 & "\377\377\307\377\377\217\377\377\037\377\376?\377\374\000\000\000\000\377"
 & "\377\361\377\377\343\377\377\307\377\377\217\377\377\037\377\376?\377\374"
 & "\000\000\000\000\377\377\361\377\377\343\377\377\307\377\377\217\377\377"
 & "\037\377\376?\377\374\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
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 & "\000\000\000x\000\001\000\000\000\000>\000\000\000\000\000\020\001\340\000"
 & "\004\000\000\000\000\000\000\204\000\001\000\000\000\000!\000\000\000\000"
 & "\000\020\002\020\000\004\000\000\000\000\000\000\200\210\343\207\026a\300"
 & "!\0348p\342\347\026\002\001\305\216\034\\\000\000\000\000\200\211\021\010"
 & "\231\222 !\"D\211\023\010\231\002\002&D\"`\000\000\000\000x\211\001\010"
 & "\221\022\000>\"@\210\362\010\021\002\002$D\"@\000\000\000\000\004\210\341"
 & "\017\221\021\300(>8\371\022\010\021\002\003\344D>@\000\000\000\000\004\210"
 & "\021\010\021\020 $ \004\201\022\010\021\002\002\004D @\000\000\000\000\204"
 & "\211\021\010\221\022 \"\"D\211\022\010\221\002\022$D\"@\000\000\000\000"
 & "xx\340\307\021\021\300!\0348p\362\007\021\001\341\304C\034@\000\000\000"
 & "\000\000\010\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
 & "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\210\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
 & "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000p\000\000\000\000"
 & "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000";

   "(Macro finder (first next prev typein show hide close)\n `(TSplit Flex\n"
 & "\t  (LightShadow \"White\")\n\t  (DarkShadow \"Blue\")\n\t  (BgColor \""
 & "VeryPaleBlue\")\n    (Shape (Height 0) Fill)\n    (VBox %,show\n      R"
 & "idge\n      (Glue 2)\n      (HBox\n       (Shape (Width + 0) \"Find:\")"
 & "\n       (Shape (Width 0 + 3000)\n\t(Frame Lowered (TypeIn %,typein (Bg"
 & "Color \"VeryVeryPaleBlue\"))))\n       (Glue 5)\n       (Shape (Width 0"
 & " + 1000) (Rim (Pen 1) (Button %,first \"First\")))\n       (Shape (Widt"
 & "h 0 + 1000) (ShadowSize 2.5) (Button %,next \"Next\"))\n       (Shape ("
 & "Width 0 + 1000) (Rim (Pen 1) (Button %,prev \"Prev.\")))\n       (Glue "
 & "20)\n       (Rim (Pen 1) (PageButton %,close \"C\")))\n      (Glue 2)))"
 & ")\n";

   "P4\r\n16 16\r\n\000\000\000\002\000\f\000>\000`\000\374\001\200\003\370"
 & "\007\000\007\340\f\000\017\200\030\000\020\000 \000@\000";

   "\t\t       FormsEdit -- version 2.7\n\nFormsEdit uses TextPort to suppo"
 & "rt four editing \"models\": Emacs, Ivy,\nMac, and Xterm.  When you chan"
 & "ge models, the keybinding-labels in the\nmenus change accordingly.  The"
 & " Ivy model uses the notation \"oA\" to\nmean \"option-a\"; the other mo"
 & "dels describe the same key as \"M-a\",\nmeaning \"meta-a\".  This key i"
 & "s whatever the X-server maps to \"mod1\";\non some keyboards it is labe"
 & "led \"Alt\", \"Compose\", or \"Compose\nCharacter\".\n\n\nFormsEdit men"
 & "u-layout:\n\n    (Quill pen icon)\n        About ...        shows info "
 & "about this version\n        Help             shows this file. (The key "
 & "labeled\n                            \"Help\" also brings up this file."
 & ")\n        Editing Model    changes the keybindings and selection contr"
 & "ols\n\t    Ivy\n\t    Emacs\n            Mac\n            Xterm\n      "
 & "  Quit             stops the application, after notifying you\n        "
 & "                 about an unsaved edits\n\n    File\n        New       "
 & "       creates new editor and result views\n        Open...          op"
 & "ens an existing .fv file\n        Close            closes the editor an"
 & "d result views\n        Save             saves the current .fv file\n  "
 & "      Save As ...      allows you to choose a name for the file\n      "
 & "  Revert To Saved  discards edits since the last Save\n        PP setup"
 & "...      allows you to change the width used by\n                      "
 & "   the prettyprinter\n        PPrint           prettyprints the form (i"
 & "t does NOT send\n                         the file to a hardcopy printe"
 & "r)\n        Quit             stops the application, after notifying you"
 & "\n                         about an unsaved edits\n\n    Edit\n        "
 & "Undo             reverses the effect of the last text-edit.\n\t\t\t    "
 & " This does NOT re-parse the form.\n\tRedo             reinstates the la"
 & "st text-edit.\n\t\t\t     This does NOT re-parse the form.\n        Cut"
 & "              deletes the [primary] selection and saves it\n        Cop"
 & "y             copies the [primary] selection\n        Paste            "
 & "inserts the conten";

CONST E7_0 =
   "ts of the source selection\n        Clear            deletes the curren"
 & "t selection\n        Select All       selects the entire text\n\tFind.."
 & ".\t\t opens a \"search\" dialog\n\tFind Next\n\tFind Prev\n\n    Misc\n"
 & "\tShow the named VBTs...\n \t\tdisplays a list of all the named sub-for"
 & "ms (e.g.,\n \t\t\"%StartButton\") along with their Modula-3 types (e.g."
 & ",\n \t\t\"FVTypes.ButtonVBT\") and shapes (horizontal [lo, pref,\n \t\t"
 & "hi], vertical [lo, pref, hi]).  An asterisk indicates\n \t\tthat there "
 & "is a procedure attached to this interactor.\n\tShow current snapshot .."
 & ".\n\t\tinvokes the \"snapshot\" method of the form (see the\n\t\tFormsV"
 & "BT interface) and displays the results in a\n\t\tpop-up window.\n      "
 & "  Show last error message\n\t\tpops up the error-message window, which "
 & "normally disappears\n                5 seconds after an error.\n\tMove "
 & "Result to... \n\t\tmoves the result-view to a different screen\n\tMove "
 & "Editor to...\n\t\tmoves the editor to a different screen\n\t\t\n    <fi"
 & "lename>\t\tthe name of the file being edited\n\n    Do It\n\tThis is a "
 & "button, not a menu.  (The keyboard equivalent on an\n\tLK201 is the lar"
 & "ge key labeled \"Do\".)  It invokes the FormsVBT\n\tparser and changes "
 & "the display in the result view, unless\n\tthere are errors.\n\n\nNOTES\n"
 & "\nThe language interpreted by formsedit (i.e., by the Modula-3 FormsVBT"
 & "\nruntime interface) is defined in the FormsVBT Reference Manual.  Some"
 & "\nof the properties can be changed at runtime.\n    \nThe following uni"
 & "versal properties are supported:\n\n        BgColor\n        Color\n   "
 & "     DarkShadow\n        Font\n        Labelfont\n        LightShadow\n"
 & "        Name\n        ShadowSize\n\nA Macro definition can appear anywh"
 & "ere, as if it were a universal\nproperty. The syntax for defining a mac"
 & "ro is:\n    \n        (Macro <name> [BOA] <formals> <expression>)\n\n  "
 & "          Example:\n\n                (Macro Boxed (x)\n               "
 & "   `(Border (Pen 2) (Rim (Pen 16) ,x)))\n\n            The syntax for c"
 & "alling a macro is\n\n                (<name> (<formal> <actual>) (<form"
 & "al> <actual>) ...)\n\n            Example:\n\n           ";

CONST E7_1 =
   "     (Boxed (x (Text (BgColor \"Red\") \"Warning\")))\n\n            Th"
 & "at expands into\n\n                (Border (Pen 2)\n                   "
 & " (Rim (Pen 16)\n                        (Text (BgColor \"Red\") \"Warni"
 & "ng\"))))\n\n            If the keyword BOA (\"by order of arguments\") "
 & "appears\n            in the macro definition, then the arguments are\n "
 & "           positional and not named. Example:\n\n                (Macro"
 & " Ht BOA (n v) `(Shape (Height ,n) ,v))\n\n            Given that defini"
 & "tion,\n\t\t(Ht 20 (Button \"Go!\"))\n\t    expands into\n\t        (Sha"
 & "pe (Height 20) (Button \"Go!\"))\n            \n            Macros must"
 & " be defined before they are called. The effect\n            of using a "
 & "macro to redefine an existing name (e.g., VBox)\n            is undefin"
 & "ed. The expressions should expand into legal\n            forms, includ"
 & "ing Macros.  Nested backquotes are permitted.\n            Within a bac"
 & "kquote, you may use \",\" to insert a value,\n            or \",@\" to "
 & "append a list of values.  Example:\n\n                (Macro V (items) "
 & "`(VBox (Color \"Red\") ,@items))\n                (V (items (\"abc\" \""
 & "def\")))\n\n            The second form expands into\n\n               "
 & " (VBox (Color \"Red\") \"abc\" \"def\")\n\nFont and LabelFont take stri"
 & "ng-arguments, e.g., \n\n    \"fixed\"\n    \"-*-new century schoolbook-"
 & "*-r-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*\"\n    \nThey also take their own property li"
 & "sts for the individual\nmetrics:\n\n\tFoundry\n\tFamily\n\tWeightName\n"
 & "\tSlant\n\tWidth\n\tPointSize\n\tHRes\n\tVRes\n\tSpacing\n\tAvgWidth\n\t"
 & "Encoding\n\tRegistry\n\nPointSize is a cardinal, and it actually repres"
 & "ents TENTHS of a point,\nso a 12-point would be specified as (PointSize"
 & " 120).  All the other\nmetrics are text.  The defaults are:\n\n(Font\t("
 & "Foundry\t\"*\")\n\t(Family\t\t\"fixed\")\n\t(WeightName\t\"medium\")\n\t"
 & "(Slant\t\t\"r\")\n\t(Width\t\t\"semicondensed\")\n\t(PointSize \t100)\n"
 & "\t(HRes \t\t\"*\")\n\t(VRes \t\t\"*\")\n\t(Spacing\t\"*\")\n\t(AvgWidth"
 & " \t\"*\")\n\t(Encoding \t\"iso8859\")\n\t(Registry \t\"1\"))\n(LabelFon"
 & "t\n\t(Foundry\t\"*\")\n\t(Family\t\t\"helvetica\")\n\t(WeightName\t\"bo"
 & "ld\")\n\t(Slant\t\t\"r\")\n\t(Width\t\t\"*\")\n\t(PointSize \t100)\n\t("
 & "H";

CONST E7_2 =
   "Res \t\t\"*\")\n\t(VRes \t\t\"*\")\n\t(Spacing\t\"*\")\n\t(AvgWidth \t\""
 & "*\")\n\t(Encoding \t\"iso8859\")\n\t(Registry \t\"1\"))\n\t\nMost users"
 & " will specify only Family, WeightName,\nand PointSize.  Examples:\n\n  "
 & "  (Font (Family \"courier\") (WeightName \"Bold\"))\n    (LabelFont (Fa"
 & "mily \"Times\") (PointSize 240))\n\nThe chart below lists the component"
 & "s and the properties they support.\nSee the FormsVBT Reference Manual f"
 & "or details.\n\n        Audio => Value, Volume, Mute, IgnoreMapping\n   "
 & "     Bar => SizeRange\n        Boolean => Inverting, CheckMark, CheckBo"
 & "x, MenuStyle, Value\n        Border => Pen, Pattern\n        Browser =>"
 & " Value, Select, Items, From, Quick\n        Button    \n        Choice "
 & "=> Inverting, CheckMark, CheckBox, MenuStyle, Value\n        CloseButto"
 & "n => For\n        DirMenu => For [filebrowser]\n        FileBrowser => "
 & "ReadOnly, Suffixes\n        Fill => SizeRange\n        Filter => Passiv"
 & "e, Dormant, Vanish, Active\n        Frame => ShadowStyle\n        Gener"
 & "ic\n        Glue => SizeRange\n        Guard\n        HBox\n        HPa"
 & "ckSplit => HGap, VGap, Background\n        HTile => Targets\n        He"
 & "lper => For [filebrowser]\n        Insert => Main\n        IntApply => "
 & "For, Property\n        LinkButton => For\n        LinkMButton => For\n "
 & "       Macro\n        MButton\n        Menu\n        MultiBrowser => Va"
 & "lue, Select, Items, From, Quick\n        Numeric => AllowEmpty, HideBut"
 & "tons, Value, Min, Max\n        PageButton => For [TSplit], Back\n      "
 & "  PageMButton => For [TSplit], Back\n        Pixmap => Main\n        Po"
 & "pButton => For [ZChild or ZChassis]\n        PopMButton => For [ZChild "
 & "or ZChassis]\n        Radio => Value\n        Ridge => Main, ShadowStyl"
 & "e\n        Rim => Pen, Pattern\n        Scale => HScale, VScale\n      "
 & "  Scroller => Unrelated, Vertical, Min, Max, Value, Thumb, Step\n      "
 & "  Shape => Height, Width, Main\n        Source\n        Stable\n       "
 & " TSplit => Value, Which, Circular, Flex\n        Target\n        Text ="
 & "> Main, Margin, LeftAlign, RightAlign, From\n        TextEdit => From, "
 & "Value, ReadOnly\n        Texture =";

CONST E7_3 =
   "> Main, LocalAlign\n        TrillButton\n        TypeIn => Value, Expan"
 & "dOnDemand, ReadOnly, Scrollable\n        VBox\n        VPackSplit => HG"
 & "ap, VGap, Background\n        VTile => Targets\n        Video => Qualit"
 & "y, Colors, Width, Height, Synchronous,\n          MSecs, Paused, FixedS"
 & "ize\n        Viewport => Step; HorAndVer, HorOnly, or VerOnly.\n       "
 & " ZBackground\n        ZChassis => At, Open, Title, NoClose\n        ZCh"
 & "ild   => At, Open\n        ZGrow\n        ZMove\n        ZSplit\n\nCopy"
 & "right \251 1992-1993, Digital Equipment Corporation.\nDistributed only "
 & "by permission.\nLast modified on Thu Feb 29 12:40:04 PST 1996 by mhb   "
 & "\n     modified on Sun Mar 14 18:19:28 PST 1993 by meehan\n";

END formseditBundle.