MODULEDoEdges: a subroutine of Copy, here to avoid the multiple-indexing compiler bug.; IMPORT Thread, Text, RealRect, Rd, (*Wr,*) UnFmt; <* FATAL Rd.Failure, Rd.EndOfFile, Thread.Alerted *> PROCEDURE GraphData Copy (g: T): T = VAR new: T; n: INTEGER; BEGIN n := NUMBER(g^); new := NEW(T, n); FOR i := 0 TO n-1 DO new^[i] := g^[i]; DoEdges(new^[i], g^[i]); END; RETURN new; END Copy;
PROCEDUREDoEdges (VAR to: VertexRecord; READONLY from: VertexRecord) = VAR m: INTEGER; newPoints: PointArray; BEGIN FOR j := 0 TO MaxEdge DO IF from.edge[j].segPoints # NIL THEN WITH e = from.edge[j] DO m := NUMBER(e.segPoints^); newPoints := NEW(PointArray, m); FOR k := 0 TO m-1 DO newPoints^[k] := e.segPoints^[k]; END; END; to.edge[j].segPoints := newPoints; END; END; END DoEdges; PROCEDUREExpand (g: T; size: CARDINAL): T = VAR new: T; n: INTEGER; BEGIN n := NUMBER(g^); IF size <= n THEN RETURN g END; new := NEW(T, size); FOR i := 0 TO n-1 DO new^[i] := g^[i]; END; RETURN new; END Expand; PROCEDURECountNodes (g: T): CARDINAL = VAR count: CARDINAL; BEGIN count := 0; FOR i := 0 TO NUMBER(g^)-1 DO IF g^[i].present THEN INC(count); END; END; RETURN count; END CountNodes; CONST Huge = 1.0E8; PROCEDUREBoundingBox (g: T): RealRect.T = VAR n: INTEGER; pa: PointArray; xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax: REAL; BEGIN n := NUMBER(g^); xmin := Huge; xmax := -Huge; ymin := Huge; ymax := -Huge; FOR i := 0 TO n-1 DO IF g^[i].present THEN WITH ver = g^[i] DO IF ver.x < xmin THEN xmin := ver.x END; IF ver.x > xmax THEN xmax := ver.x END; IF ver.y < ymin THEN ymin := ver.y END; IF ver.y > ymax THEN ymax := ver.y END; (* The following is here to include segPoints in the calculation *) FOR j := 0 TO MaxEdge DO IF ver.edge[j].present AND (ver.edge[j].segPoints # NIL) THEN pa := ver.edge[j].segPoints; FOR k := 0 TO NUMBER(pa^)-1 DO WITH pt = pa^[k] DO IF pt.h < xmin THEN xmin := pt.h END; IF pt.h > xmax THEN xmax := pt.h END; IF pt.v < ymin THEN ymin := pt.v END; IF pt.v > ymax THEN ymax := pt.v END; END; END; (* FOR on segPoints *) END; (* IF segPoints # NIL *) END; (* FOR on edges *) END; (* WITH g^[i] *) END; (* IF present *) END; (* FOR i *) RETURN RealRect.FromEdges(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax); END BoundingBox; PROCEDURERevPoints (in: PointArray): PointArray = VAR out: PointArray; n: INTEGER; BEGIN n := NUMBER(in^); out := NEW(PointArray, n); FOR i := 0 TO n-1 DO out^[i] := in^[n-i-1]; END; RETURN out; END RevPoints; PROCEDUREExtractString (VAR line: Text.T): Text.T = VAR text: Text.T; length: CARDINAL; i,j: CARDINAL; BEGIN text := ""; length := Text.Length(line); IF (length=0) THEN RETURN text; END; i := 0; WHILE (i < length) AND (Text.GetChar(line, i) = ' ') DO i := i + 1; END; IF (i < length) THEN IF i < (length - 1) THEN j := i+1; WHILE (j < length) AND (Text.GetChar(line, j) # ' ') DO j := j + 1; END; text := Text.Sub(line, i, j-i); line := Text.Sub(line, j, length-j); ELSE text := Text.Sub(line, i, 1); line := ""; END; ELSE line := ""; END; RETURN text; END ExtractString; PROCEDUREEdgeExists (g: T; a, b: CARDINAL): BOOLEAN = BEGIN IF g^[a].present THEN WITH ver = g^[a] DO FOR j := 0 TO MaxEdge DO IF ver.edge[j].present AND (ver.edge[j].dest = b) THEN RETURN TRUE; END; END; END; END; RETURN FALSE; END EdgeExists; PROCEDUREReadBendPoints (rd: Rd.T): PointArray = VAR totalBendPoints: INTEGER; ch: CHAR; segPoints: PointArray; bendText: Text.T; text: Text.T; BEGIN ch := Rd.GetChar(rd); Rd.UnGetChar(rd); IF ch = 'B' THEN bendText := Rd.GetLine(rd); text := ExtractString(bendText); (* to eliminate BendPoints *) totalBendPoints := UnFmt.ToInt(ExtractString(bendText));
Read BendPoints --\n
); Wr.Flush(Stdio.stdout);
IF totalBendPoints > 0 THEN segPoints := NEW(PointArray, totalBendPoints); ELSE segPoints := NIL; END; FOR j := 0 TO totalBendPoints-1 DO bendText := Rd.GetLine(rd);
Wr.PutText(Stdio.stdout, bendText); Wr.PutText(Stdio.stdout,
); Wr.Flush(Stdio.stdout);
segPoints^[j].h := UnFmt.ToReal(ExtractString(bendText)); segPoints^[j].v := UnFmt.ToReal(ExtractString(bendText));
Read bend point\n
); Wr.Flush(Stdio.stdout);
END; ELSE segPoints := NIL; END; RETURN segPoints; END ReadBendPoints; PROCEDUREReadEdge (rd: Rd.T): EdgeRecord = VAR edge: EdgeRecord; edgeText: Text.T; BEGIN edgeText := Rd.GetLine(rd); IF Text.Equal(edgeText,"") THEN edge.present := FALSE; ELSE edgeText := Rd.GetLine(rd); edge.dest := UnFmt.ToInt(ExtractString(edgeText)); edge.destEdge := UnFmt.ToInt(ExtractString(edgeText));
Wr.PutText(Stdio.stdout,Read Edge
); Wr.PutText(Stdio.stdout,\n
); Wr.Flush(Stdio.stdout);
edge.present := TRUE; edge.segPoints := ReadBendPoints(rd); edge.etc := NIL; END; RETURN edge; END ReadEdge; PROCEDUREReadNode (rd: Rd.T): VertexRecord = VAR edgeArray: ARRAY EdgeIndex OF EdgeRecord; e: EdgeRecord; vtext: Text.T; i: INTEGER; v: VertexRecord; BEGIN vtext := Rd.GetLine(rd); IF Text.Equal(vtext,"") THEN v.present := FALSE ELSE v.present := TRUE; := vtext; vtext := Rd.GetLine(rd); v.x := UnFmt.ToReal(ExtractString(vtext)); v.y := UnFmt.ToReal(ExtractString(vtext)); v.api := UnFmt.ToReal(ExtractString(vtext));
Wr.PutText(Stdio.stdout,Read vertex
); Wr.PutText(Stdio.stdout,\n
); Wr.Flush(Stdio.stdout);
i := 0; e := ReadEdge(rd); WHILE (e.present # FALSE) DO edgeArray[i] := e; e := ReadEdge(rd); i := i + 1; END; v.edge := edgeArray; v.etc := NIL; END; RETURN v; END ReadNode; PROCEDUREReadGraph (rd: Rd.T):T = VAR line: Text.T; n: INTEGER; text: Text.T; g: T; BEGIN line := Rd.GetLine(rd); text := ExtractString(line); n := UnFmt.ToInt(text); g := NEW(T, n); FOR i := 0 TO n-1 DO g^[i] := ReadNode(rd); END; RETURN g; END ReadGraph; BEGIN END GraphData.