MODULE; IMPORT Work, Thread, WorkSeq, ZombieSeq, Scheduler, ThreadF; WorkerPool
REVEAL Private = Thread.Mutex BRANDED "WorkerPool.Private" OBJECT END; T = Public BRANDED "WorkerPool.T" OBJECT maxIdleThreads: INTEGER; maxThreads: INTEGER; idleCount: INTEGER; workCount: INTEGER; work: WorkSeq.T; cv: Thread.Condition; flushCV: Thread.Condition; worker: Worker; workers: REF ARRAY OF ThreadF.Id; zombies: ZombieSeq.T; clericCV: Thread.Condition; cleric: Thread.T; OVERRIDES init := Init; add := Add; flush := Flush; finish := Finish; stealWorker := StealWorker; END; TYPE Worker = Thread.SizedClosure OBJECT next: Thread.T := NIL; pool: T; OVERRIDES apply := WorkerApply; END;The cleric is a cleanup thread, running continually in the background and destroying and zombies created in the WorkerPool. If an excess of threads are created because of a burst of incoming messages, some of them will eventually commit suicide and become zombies. The cleric slowly takes care of them. If it notices some zombies, it cleans up one and then yields to any other running tasks to minimize it's CPU impact.
TYPE ClericClosure = Thread.Closure OBJECT pool: T; OVERRIDES apply := ClericApply; END; PROCEDUREClericApply (self: ClericClosure): REFANY = VAR cleanup: BOOLEAN := FALSE; BEGIN LOOP TRY LOCK self.pool DO WHILE self.pool.zombies.size() = 0 DO (* If we've been told to clean up, there is no more work, there are no more zombies, and there are no more working threads, then we are finished! *) IF cleanup AND = 0 AND self.pool.workCount = 0 THEN RETURN NIL; END;
IO.Put(Cleric Wait: cleanup=
& Fmt.Bool(cleanup) &work=
& Fmt.Int( &workers=
& Fmt.Int(self.pool.workCount) &idle=
& Fmt.Int(self.pool.idleCount) &\n
Thread.AlertWait(self.pool, self.pool.clericCV); END; WITH zombie = self.pool.zombies.remlo() DO
IO.Put(Gettin' another Zombie.
& Fmt.Int(self.pool.zombies.size()) &left.\n
EVAL Thread.AlertJoin(zombie); END; END; EXCEPT | Thread.Alerted => cleanup := TRUE;
IO.Put( Cleric Alerted\n
END; Scheduler.Yield(); END; END ClericApply; PROCEDUREInit (self: T; maxThreads: CARDINAL; maxIdleThreads: INTEGER; stackSize: CARDINAL): T = BEGIN self.maxThreads := maxThreads; IF maxIdleThreads = -1 THEN maxIdleThreads := MAX(1, maxThreads DIV 2); END; self.maxIdleThreads := maxIdleThreads; self.workers := NEW(REF ARRAY OF ThreadF.Id, maxThreads); FOR i := FIRST(self.workers^) TO LAST(self.workers^) DO self.workers[i] := -1; END; self.idleCount := 0; self.workCount := 0; := NEW(Thread.Condition); self.flushCV := NEW(Thread.Condition); := NEW(WorkSeq.T).init(); self.worker := NEW(Worker, stackSize := stackSize); self.worker.pool := self; self.zombies := NEW(ZombieSeq.T).init(); self.clericCV := NEW(Thread.Condition); self.cleric := Thread.Fork(NEW(ClericClosure, pool := self)); RETURN self; END Init; PROCEDUREAdd (self: T; work: Work.T) = BEGIN LOCK self DO (* Enqueue some work. *); IF self.idleCount > 0 THEN Thread.Broadcast(; ELSIF self.workCount < self.maxThreads THEN (*IO.Put("WorkerPool.Add: creating new worker to handle work.\n");*) EVAL Thread.Fork(self.worker); END; END; END Add; PROCEDUREStealWorker (self:T): BOOLEAN = VAR id := ThreadF.MyId(); BEGIN LOCK self DO FOR i := FIRST(self.workers^) TO LAST(self.workers^) DO IF self.workers[i] = id THEN <*ASSERT self.workCount > 0 *> DEC(self.workCount); self.workers[i] := -1; IF > 0 THEN (*IO.Put("WorkerPool.StealWork: creating new worker.\n");*) EVAL Thread.Fork(self.worker); END; RETURN TRUE; END; END; END; RETURN FALSE; END StealWorker; PROCEDUREFinish (self: T) = BEGIN LOCK self DO (* This will ensure that all the threads kill themselves when they are done. Also, wake up idle ones: Time to Die! *) self.maxIdleThreads := 0; END; Thread.Broadcast(; (* Tell the cleric her earthly toils are done. *) Thread.Alert(self.cleric); EVAL Thread.Join(self.cleric); (* Break the reference loop. *) self.worker := NIL; END Finish; PROCEDUREFlush (self: T) RAISES {Thread.Alerted} = BEGIN LOCK self DO (* If there is no work being done, or waiting to be done, return *) IF self.workCount = 0 AND = 0 THEN RETURN END; (* We don't want to loop, because we only care if the condition gets met at some point, no if it's met when we eventually wake up *) Thread.AlertWait(self, self.flushCV); END; END Flush; PROCEDUREWorkerApply (self: Worker): REFANY = VAR work: Work.T; id := -1; tid := ThreadF.MyId(); pool := self.pool; BEGIN (* We are not quite an idle thread right now. Might get some work shortly, but there is the chance we were created to handle a piece of work, and another worker thread returned and grabbed it before we ran ... *) LOCK pool DO FOR i := FIRST(pool.workers^) TO LAST(pool.workers^) DO IF pool.workers[i] = -1 THEN pool.workers[i] := tid; id := i; INC(pool.workCount); EXIT; END; END; END; (* if we did not find a free spot in the pool, quit! *) IF id = -1 THEN pool.zombies.addhi(Thread.Self()); Thread.Signal(pool.clericCV); (*IO.Put("WorkerPool.WorkerApply: worker not needed. Bye.\n");*) RETURN NIL; END; TRY LOOP (* Get some work. *) LOCK pool DO DEC(pool.workCount); INC(pool.idleCount); WHILE = 0 DO (* Too many idle hands are the devils tools, so get rid of them! Commit suicide, becoming a zombie. *) IF pool.idleCount > pool.maxIdleThreads THEN
IO.Put(Worker committing suicide (workers=
& Fmt.Int(pool.workCount) &, idle=
& Fmt.Int(pool.idleCount) &).\n
DEC(pool.idleCount); pool.zombies.addhi(Thread.Self()); Thread.Signal(pool.clericCV); (*IO.Put("WorkerPool.WorkerApply: too many idle. Bye.\n");*) RETURN NIL; END; (* if there are threads blocked waiting for work to be done, and there is no work in the queue, and there are no more workers, wake them all up! *) IF pool.workCount = 0 THEN Thread.Broadcast(pool.flushCV); END; Thread.AlertWait(pool,; END; DEC(pool.idleCount); INC(pool.workCount); work :=; (* If we were the last idle thread, and there is still work, create another thread. *) (* Since we changed to a fixed number of threads, we don't need this anymore IF pool.idleCount = 0 AND > 0 THEN EVAL Thread.Fork(pool.worker); END; *) END; (* Do the work! *) work.handle(); work := NIL; (* Now, see if we were removed from the pool while working *) IF pool.workers[id] # tid THEN (* We've been removed! See if we can get back in. *) LOCK pool DO IF pool.workCount + pool.idleCount >= pool.maxThreads THEN (* Can't get back in. Say goodnight *) pool.zombies.addhi(Thread.Self()); Thread.Signal(pool.clericCV); (*IO.Put("WorkerPool.WorkerApply: stolen. Killing self.\n");*) RETURN NIL; END; (* Find a spot in the pool *) FOR i := FIRST(pool.workers^) TO LAST(pool.workers^) DO IF pool.workers[i] = -1 THEN pool.workers[i] := tid; id := i; INC(pool.workCount); EXIT; END; END; <*ASSERT id > -1 *> END; END; END; EXCEPT | Thread.Alerted => DEC(pool.idleCount); END; self.pool := NIL; RETURN NIL; END WorkerApply; BEGIN END WorkerPool.